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THE SWUPL CLUB OF AMERICA is the Alumni Association of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law ( SWUPL) in the United States. We seek to encourage the development of a community that embodies the values, culture, and connections developed at SWUPL in order to succeed in this mission, we work hard to deliver a combination of experiences, opportunities, and services to our alumni constituent body.

  • Foster a spirit of fraternity

  • Serve in extending knowledge of the aims and achievements of the SWUPL

  • Represent the interests of the SWUPL in the United States

  • Promote the interest of all alumni and alumnae in the academic and extracurricular activities of the SWUPL

  • Represent the interests of the SWUPL in the United States

  • Encourage recreational activities for its members

  • Solicit members for donations to the SWUPL scholarship

  • Recruit candidates for the SWUPL admission and generally do all things

Serve with Passion and Love

Cross-cultural Expertise

Bilingual Team 

International Experience

Global Citizen Mindset

Financial, Legal, Capital Center

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